
bi wo insomnia e x(
hen xiang call ni a!
but I dont wish to burden you anymore
hope you can sleep tight ♥..
笨蛋, 你真的是用这个password a ==

handmade给你的日记, 你喜欢吗?好像没有真正问过你这个问题 hor. hmm..
如果你有时间, 我希望你开不开心都记录下来, 我很喜欢看到你那些丑丑的字密密麻麻排在那本漂亮的日记上 HEHE
如果你写完我就实现我当初说过要买Lacoste给你的promise x)

皓景, 可能我比较难去忘掉一些不开心的事情, 所以就算你tam我过后我还是会想起.
不是你的问题, 只是我很难去改掉这个习惯.
I feel so guilty about it, sorry for making you worry everytime.
Perhaps, I will try to think positively next time :)

I'm so helpless when I got your call just now, I do very worry about you, hou sam tong when i heard your voice.I know you're stress out.Sorry I couldnt stand beside you to help you.I hope you can feel me through the phone.The argument is not a big deal, everything can solve in many ways.The problem wont disappear by having a bad mood or driving inattention.So, please, baby, dont let the mood controls your mind anymore, okie?Iloveyou, i dont want you get hurt :) Please, drive extra carefully next time.Dont let your family members worry about you anymore.This time, is over, you have to learn from the lesson, do handle everything properly.Think wisely before you do the thing, dont let yourself regret after it and people worry about you.I'll always there with you, in front of you, behind you, at your left hand side, at your right hand side, everywhere, holding your hand, giving you support :) :) 我会一直陪着你,做你的司机,不管怎样不管几久都不会觉得烦.

如果是我, 可能我不会再去等那个size.不适合的东西可能我真的不会去勉强.
就很像当初我选择了牙医, 我觉得那个是我的梦想, 不管怎样我都很想去实现.可是我知道我的家人不会有能力去支持我,所以我最后还是选择了放弃.是很不舍得可是你又能怎样呢.你知道我是不会因为我自己的东西要去连累到别人.对你也是一样, 我不希望我的事情会弄到你不开心.我不要你每次都迁就我,你觉得不会辛苦meh,不要讲我很伟大帮你做决定,你明明就有辛苦,一点也算lor,有时候也算lor.想东西不要想到酱简单,你有一天也是会觉得很mang zang的每天都要让我.可是hor..我跟你讲..你hor..erm..就..

几mangzang都是要让的la没有办法,谁叫你买那个domokun给我,你lat不到身liao的我跟你讲,辛苦也是要熬一下的la我会尽量多一点点迁就你的如果我可以的话 x)

如果是, 她愿意.

1 条评论:

  1. arhhhhhh...什么是辛苦哦?内双~aku sudah lupa~
